Write an email from your phone, help protect the Atlantic
Congressman Hudson (R-NC) wants to require the Department of Interior to include the Atlantic in its list of drilling locations, even if the DOI wishes to remove it from the list. (House Amendment 623 to HR 2822)
TODAY: write to your representative and ask them to oppose Hudson’s pro-drilling amendment (House Amendment 623 (code:A093)).
Find your representative on OpenCongress and email them:

Sample email language:
Dear Representative ______,
Please vote no on the Hudson amendment to HR 2822, and on other amendments to expand offshore drilling for oil and gas off our Atlantic coastline.
The Hudson amendment, if it were to become law, would prevent the federal government from removing the Atlantic from the draft proposed plan for offshore leasing to drill for oil and gas. The vote on this amendment may occur today.
The Hudson amendment:
AMENDMENT NO. 18: At the end of the bill (before the short title), insert the following: LIMITATION ON USE OF FUNDS TO REMOVE OIL AND GAS LEASE SALE 260 FROM LEASING PROGRAM SEC. ll. None of the funds made available by this Act may be used to remove oil and gas lease sale 260 from the Draft Proposed Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Oil and Gas Leasing Program for 2017-2022 (DPP), or from any subsequent proposed or final iteration of such Program"
I ask that you actively oppose the Hudson amendment by:
* Speaking against it on the floor, or submitting a statement for the record if you are not able to go to the floor.
* Ask other Members to vote no on the amendment, and on other amendments to expand offshore drilling.
* Sending a Dear Colleague letter to other Members opposing the amendment.
In addition to the Hudson amendment, I ask that you vote against the Interior Appropriations bill on final passage, which would force deep cuts in federal funding for conservation and the environment.