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Meet The Team



Alexandra Marstall (she/her) -

Anita Harrington (she/her) -

Anh Truong (she/her)-

Hannah Townley (she/her) - 

Scott Hanson (he/him)-

Vice Chair is vacant - please contact if you're interested in filling this role!

Vice Chair responsibilities:

 • Runs meetings in the Chair’s absence.
• Performs other duties of the Chair as needed.
• Ideally chairs a committee of the chapter, either event, program, member development, or campaign committee.
• Contributes to the chapter’s website and social media pages.

Ocean Friendly Restaurant Coordinator(s)/Committee is vacant - please contact if you're interested in filling this role!

Ocean Friendly Restaurant Coordinator(s)/Committee roles:

The Ocean Friendly Restaurants program recognizes restaurants that are committed to making sustainable choices for our ocean so that people can dine with peace of mind. The OFR coordinator/committee for our chapter seeks out restaurants in the DC Metro area that would fit Surfrider's OFR criteria. 

Surfrider’s OFR program highlights businesses that pledge to meet an ocean friendly standard, based on a comprehensive list of criteria. One of the main goals of the OFR program is to significantly reduce plastic waste including eliminating expanded polystyrene (EPS) foam, a type of plastic typically used for inexpensive, disposable products. Ocean Friendly Restaurants make a pledge to use less plastic and take other steps to help protect our ocean, waves, and beaches. OFRs are recognized by the Surfrider Foundation after the completion of the sign-up form, a small membership fee, and a compliance check. 

For more information, visit:

Ocean Friendly Garden Coordinator(s)/Committee is vacant - please contact if you're interested in filling this role!

Ocean Friendly Garden Coordinator(s)/Committee roles:

Ocean Friendly Gardens is Surfrider’s sustainable landscaping and education program that provides beautiful, inexpensive and natural solutions to reduce polluted runoff and support resilient coasts. The DC Chapter OFG Coordinator/Committee coordinates with local community groups, schools and businesses to register gardens that meet Surfrider's OFG criteria.

For more information, visit: 

General Functions of a Surfrider Foundation Chapter:

• Involve members through regular communications, meetings, and by giving them mission-related ways to volunteer
• Grow chapter membership, including retaining current members. Cultivate, train, and mentor volunteers
• Raise funds to support chapter activities
• Identify new leaders and mentor them for leadership positions

• Identify and work on mission-related issues in the chapter’s geographic area. This means running campaigns to win a decision in favor of the environment.

General Duties of Chapter Executive Committee Members:

Essential Functions
• Organize and implement Issue Campaigns and Programs
• Organize and staff outreach events
• Organize and plan fundraising and awareness events
• Coordinate and develop volunteers
• Participate in and co-lead subcommittees, i.e. campaign, program or event committees. Develop a “staff” from volunteer base for assistance
• Communicate regularly with and be responsive to Regional or National Staff
• Communicate regularly with and be responsive to chapter membership
• Conduct annual chapter planning early each year, including rough sketches of campaigns and budgets. Implement the annual plan over the course of the year
• Ensure that chapter funds are raised, spent, and accounted for properly
• Meet minimum requirements for chapter operation (see “How to Run an Effective Chapter”) and comply with Chapter Bylaws

Marginal Functions
• Respond to media requests as needed
• Public speaking

Additional Functions
• Use Chapternet, Golden Volunteer, and Basecamp platforms
• Communicate with your Regional Manager
• Attend National or Regional Chapter conferences if possible