The Department of Interior may allow oil drilling in the Atlantic in 2017.
Surfrider HQ is coming to D.C. February 11-12 to tell Congress, the White House, and DOI that offshore drilling in the Mid-Atlantic is not the answer.
We're organizing a two-day event, including a hill climb with Surfrider members from several east coast chapters, an evening party, and a press event. We'll have the famous Firewire signed surfboard with us:

Live in Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, or North Carolina?
Join members from Surfrider chapters along the East Coast and Surfrider HQ for our February 12 visit to Capitol Hill to speak with your representatives about offshore drilling:
[googleform src="https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1R8bD5icaI39GOtZfLZzsR6pjNfXpVpKMajTd9MFWSBI/viewform?embedded=true#start=embed"]
(Or, click here: dc.surfrider.org/lobby)
Questions? Email Mike at vicechair@dc.surfrider.org