Were you unable to make the February meeting? Have no fear, we will be posting all of the meeting recaps here! Additionally, look out for blog posts on the first week of every month. If you're interested in writing one, please contact secretary@dc.surfrider.org with your proposed topic.
This past meeting was dedicated to updates from our team leaders. To summarize:
Our Ocean Friendly Restaurants (OFR's) team is looking to add 20 new restaurants to our roster. If you know of any restaurants that have a sustainable business plan along with some amazing food, please feel free to join the OFR info session that will be held during our next chapter meeting on March 2nd or email ofr@dc.surfrider.org with candidates. Additionally, the OFR team is planning on holding quarterly recruitment dinners at restaurants that might consider joining the bandwagon. The next dinner will be taking place on March 22nd, updates to come regarding the first restaurant chosen.
Be on the lookout for upcoming campaign announcements! Our team is looking to hold a letter writing campaign as well as a policy networking event. These happenings will be centered around supporting specific acts such as
Lastly, our team is looking to get more social once Covid calms down. Hopefully in the future we will be able to join together for a surf trip to Assateague Island, corporate cleanups, happy hours, and yoga events. Updates will be posted on the blog and social media after meetings, but be sure to subscribe to our email list as well.
Upcoming Events
Our team would love to see you at upcoming events! Mark your calendars for the following: